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Queenborough & Rushenden Regeneration - Major Project Win for Cognition

1 December 2020

Cognition Land and Water is delighted to have been appointed by Swale Borough Council and Homes England to carry out extensive remediation and land raising at their Klondyke Site on the Isle Of Sheppey as part of the ongoing Queenborough and Rushenden regeneration. 

Cognition Land and Water is delighted to have been appointed by Swale Borough Council and Homes England to carry out extensive remediation and land raising at their Klondyke Site on the Isle Of Sheppey as part of the ongoing Queenborough and Rushenden regeneration. 

Historically, the site formed part of the Isle of Sheppey marshland containing deep soft alluvial soils with numerous (now infilled) ditches and drainage paths.  Subsequently, the northern section of the site underwent various stages of land reclamation/raising and the southern section was occupied by the Sheppey Glue and Chemical Works since at least 1896 and subsequently the Klondyke Industrial Estate until site decommissioning and clearance in early 2019.

The purpose of the works to be carried out by Cognition is to facilitate regeneration of the area and the residential led development.  Once we have completed additional ground investigation and finalised the remediation strategy and detailed geotechnical design, in February 2021 we will start the remediation of the site and land raising.  This will provide a development platform, raised out of the flood plain, for the proposed development.  Our scope of works includes: 

  • Vegetation clearance and reptile translocation
  • Site clearance and enabling works
  • Ground investigation and advanced geotechnical testing and monitoring
  • Permanent disconnection and demolition of electrical substations
  • Diversion of HV cables
  • Permanent disconnection and demolition of gas infrastructure
  • Combined sewer closure/ abandonment
  • Remedial works to failed sheet piled river wall
  • Ground and groundwater remediation
  • Land raising through cut and fill (existing site soils) and importation of deficit of fill
  • Ground improvement using wick/band drains and surcharge treatment
  • Landscape/ ecological enhancement works

Having been involved in the remediation and ground improvement of an adjacent development, Cognition is very pleased to continue our work in the regeneration of the area that will bring huge benefits to the local community.  We look forward to updating you on progress on the project in future news bulletins.

K1.JPG.png Former Klondyke Industrial Estate prior to decommissioning and demolition k2.jpeg Existing, decommissioned, vacant site k3.jpeg Existing, decommissioned, vacant site k4.jpg Residential focussed development proposals
small transparent gif for site construction purposes