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carbon neutral

Isle of Sheppey, Former Steel Mill


The client:Homes England
Services:Demolition, groundwater treatment, proof digging, watching brief, geotechnical improvement works, band drain (PVD Prefabricated Vertical Drains) installation, reptile translocation and vegetation clearance.

The Challenge:

The purpose of the works carried out by Cognition was to facilitate regeneration of the area and the residential led development.  We completed additional ground investigation and finalised the remediation strategy and detailed geotechnical design. Remediation of the former steel mill site started in June 2019 and prepped the site for future land raising.  This land raising will provide a development platform, raised out of the flood plain, for the proposed development. 

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The Approach

Our scope of works included: 

  • Vegetation clearance and reptile translocation.
  • Site clearance and enabling works.
  • Ground investigation and advanced geotechnical testing and monitoring.
  • Permanent disconnection and demolition of electrical substations.
  • Diversion of HV cables.
  • Permanent disconnection and demolition of gas infrastructure.
  • Ground and groundwater remediation.
  • Preparation works for ground improvement using wick/band/PVD drains.
  • Landscape/ ecological enhancement works.
  • Proof digging site under watching brief to clear obstructions for future piling operations and checks for areas of gross contamination.

The Outcome

Cognition successfully translocated 250 plus reptiles and cleared the site of vegetation. The site was proof dug and assessed for gross contamination. The concrete arisings were removed, segregated, and processed to manufacture free draining drainage blanket materials. These drainage blanket materials have been installed across site and the vertical band drains have been installed in preparation for surcharging with 120,000 m3 of soils in the future. 

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