Cognition began working within the Nuclear sector providing the industry with innovative technologies to treat radiologically contaminated materials from our extensive experience within the remediation sector. We have worked on a wide range of areas within the industry from Nuclear decommissioning on licensed ONR sites to the clean up of Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) on old industrial sites to enable future development. From the implementation of radiological control to the delivery of site work we can safely manage and deliver remediation works across all of the industry.
In May 2023, Cognition Land and Water began works at The Former Pirbright Institute in Compton, Berkshire. The site was a scientific animal research facility comprising laboratories, offices, storage sheds, animal welfare buildings, grazing...
Cognition Land and Water Limited was commissioned by Elivia Homes to undertake remediation and ground improvement at a disused former brick field land at Furze Field, Reeds Lane, Sayers Common. A residential development is proposed at the...
This 6.1 hectare site is located at the east side of the Royal Borough of Greenwich on the eastern extremities of Woolwich Town Centre in Plumstead. The proposed development masterplan is for the creation of residential led development, called...
Cognition Land and Water was commissioned by St William Homes to undertake contamination remediation, ground obstruction removal, materials management, earthworks, pile mat construction and associated groundworks to support the proposed...
The Silvertown Tunnel scheme (STT), when completed, will link North East and South West London from the North Greenwich area to the Royal Victoria Doc area (Silvertown) and will serve to reduce the current congestion at the Blackwall Tunnel.
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The site was located at the disused Barking Power Station where City of London Corporation was assembling land for the relocation and amalgamations of the three London Markets. The scope of works comprised the decommissioning of two...
The works involved the decommissioning of the Barking Power Limited (BPL) 610mm (24’’) nominal diameter natural gas pipeline running from BPL’s Above Ground Installation (AGI) at Hordon in the east and to the AGI within the...
The former sewage treatment works was demolished and, together with a former landfill on the site, remediated to make way for 325 residential dwellings, a community hall and new roads and infrastructure. Since closure in 2005, the...
Cognition Land & Water Limited was contracted by St William Homes (Berkeley Group) to undertake gasholder remediation and enabling works at Marian Place, Bethnal Green, London. Marian Place Gasholder site is a...
The former Veolia Water Central Ltd offices and water treatment works at Three Valleys Way was to be redeveloped for housing. The site covers an area of approximately 4.2 hectares and required excavation, remediation and soil improvement...
The former Ascham Street works were originally identified by The London Borough of Camden under its duty under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 for investigation as potentially contaminated land...
The former industrial site was remediated so that it could be further developed for mixed commercial and residential development. Cannon Wharf had a long history of industrial development since 1834, leaving the site contaminated with heavy tar...
The 1.2 hectare site in Rhodaus Town, Canterbury, comprised a former car dealership with showroom and workshops and a decommissioned Total petrol filling station (PFS). The site was known to have supported various garages, alongside a previous...
The 1.5 hectare site was previously occupied by railway sidings and was redeveloped with the construction of eight student accommodation blocks each between six and eight storeys. The buildings were to be constructed using piled foundation but...
Cognition carried out extensive remediation works at a former brickworks to treat and process soil contaminated with asbestos. The 24.2 hectare site, located on the outskirts of the town of Cranleigh, Surrey, comprised woodland to the south and...
Cognition remediated an agricultural machinery yard in Crowmarsh, Oxfordshire which is to be redeveloped for residential housing. Large areas of the yard was built over foundry sand and clinker deposited on the site to raise the land and...
Barratt Homes redeveloped the site with the construction of eight apartment blocks. Originally four of the blocks were to be located over a large basement to be used for car parking constructed within a secant pile wall. The north west area of...
The former gasworks was remediated and excavated in order to make way for a new residential development. The site was formerly occupied by a gas works between 1871 and 1970, which resulted in the contamination of the site soils and groundwater....
Dealing with a very large mixed residential and commercial use building development in the UK, Cognition had to ensure their remediation strategy was both cost-effective and sustainable. Cognition’s site Investigations identified...
Cognition was contracted by a housing developer to propose a remediation strategy for the contaminated groundwater at a former cement works and petroleum supply depot in Great Blakenham, Suffolk. The site was operational between the...
Croudace Homes contracted Cognition to carry out remediation works on three sites in close proximity to each other in Great Shelford, the sites originally occupied by a petrol station, car parking and a transport/haulage company. The sites were...
The Liquid Effluent Treatment Plant (LETP) served 14 nuclear reactors from the main Harwell site. All reactors are no longer in service with all but three successfully decommissioned. The site is contaminated with a mix of low and very low...
A former landfill dating from the 1930s-1960s covered the northern third of the site, occupying former clay pits mined in the early 20th century. The made ground within the landfill contained extraneous waste items such as ceramic, glass,...
Hinkley Point ‘A’ Site is currently being decommissioned by Magnox. Diesel contamination was discovered in soil and groundwater during site investigations in an area known as an Area of Potential Concern, APC-9. The pollution was...
Cognition was contracted by Wates to remediate a former industrial site in Whitmore Way Horley for a residential development. The site was occupied by the sewage treatment works and garages. Landfilling of pulverised waste had also taken place...
An historic leaking active effluent drain on the site resulted in a sub-surface plume of radiological contamination. Also running through the area was a network of land drains that essentially acted as a pathway for mobilising Caesium137...
The former gasworks was remediated to prepare the site for residential redevelopment. Three large gas holders, together with associated infrastructure and small buildings, were present on site at the outset of the works. A number of...
A former landfill dating from the 1930s-1960s covered the northern third of the site. Landfill contained extraneous waste items such as ceramic, glass, brick, wood, metal and fabric. The soil was also contaminated with hydrocarbons which were...
The 8 hectare former gasworks site at Willoughby Lane had been operational for over 100 years resulting in several distinct sources of contamination, notably; arsenic, cyanide, hydrocarbons, VOC’s and PAH’s in the soils and Dense...
The site was formally occupied by the National Institute of Medical Research and previously by laboratories and research buildings dating back to the 1920s. A number of chemical stores, plant rooms and waste pits have been identified from plans...
Newbury Gasworks site, within the Sterling Industrial Estate, has had a long history of industrial use leaving a heavily contaminated site within a built up area of Newbury surrounded by residential and commercial properties. Stringent...
Newbury Gasworks site, within the Sterling Industrial Estate, had a long history of industrial use leaving a heavily contaminated site within a built up area of Newbury surrounded by residential and commercial properties. Cognition Land and...
The former gas works was remediated in order to make it suitable for future redevelopment. The site in Nine Elms, London borough of Wandsworth, is approximately 60m south of the Thames and covers about 5.4ha. It is bounded to the north by Nine...
The 5.3-hectare New South Quarter site in Croydon housed a former gasworks and required remediation prior to redevelopment for housing. Soils were contaminated with light aromatic organics, specifically BTEX compounds (Benzene, Toluene,...
The construction of the rotation chamber for the Silvertown Tunnel and the consequential diversion of Millennium Way will result in the loss of car parking space for the O2 Arena. This will be replaced by the construction of a...
The purpose of the works carried out by Cognition was to facilitate regeneration of the area and the residential led development. We completed additional ground investigation and finalised the remediation strategy and detailed...
Dealing with one of the largest mixed residential and commercial use building developments in the UK, Cognition had to ensure that their remediation strategy was both cost-effective and sustainable. Extensive Site Investigations identified...
The site was located on the periphery of an industrial estate and encompassed former sludge lagoons used by Guildford sewage treatment works. Gravel abstraction had been carried out on the site since the 1960s and was subsequently used as a...
Cognition Land and Water was contracted by FM Conway Limited to undertake remediation and earthworks for the redevelopment of the former Southall Gasworks. The site was surrounded by watercourses with a central tip area containing...
This site has been utilised for industrial activities for over 150 years, which have included brickworks, oil works, coal and oil gas manufacture, chemical works, benzole and tar manufacturing, docks and natural gas storage resulting in several...
The 85 hectare site was previously occupied by a refractory brick works, quarry, colliery, various small industries and a 25,000m3 waste tip. This was remediated so that the site would be suitable for future redevelopment. The principle...
The 1.7 hectare former PD Fuels Depot at Tipner formed part of the 44 hectare Tipner Regeneration Project that would transform the geographical area and provide a new gateway to Portsmouth. The site was located in a sensitive busy residential...
The site was occupied by a former gasworks from as early as 1868. The gasworks developed with additional infrastructure including tanks, cranes, retort house and chemical works added over the years to the 1950s until its eventual closure in the...
Cognition was contracted by Fenland District Council to remediate the Wisbech site in order to reduce environmental and human health risk as to enable redevelopment to facilitate the regeneration of this area. The remediation was partly funded...
Cognition was appointed to carry out the remediation works at the former Kodak Factory in Harrow. The site is to be redeveloped by Barratt Homes with the construction of a number of residential blocks and associated landscaping and roads. ...