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Meridian Water Fly Tipping Clean-Up

3 June 2024

In preparation for the wider remediation and redevelopment of historically industrial land at Meridian Water in Enfield, London, Cognition Land and Water was appointed by Taylor Woodrow as a specialist subcontractor to clear and remove large amounts of fly tipped waste on part of the site. 

Taylor Woodrow has been awarded the £120m strategic infrastructure contract for Meridian Water, a regeneration project led by Enfield Council. The new infrastructure serves as the foundation for the construction of thousands of new homes, businesses, and communal spaces for the local Edmonton community. It covers an extensive range of works including the naturalisation of Pymmes Brook, two new parks, bridges, footpaths, road and cycle links to be delivered over the next few years. 

However, before that can begin, huge stockpiles, estimated to be over 10,000m3, of a wide variety of illegally placed wastes that had accumulated on the unoccupied and derelict site over many years needed removing. This was the focus of our locally employed team. The materials included construction and demolition wastes, domestic waste such as plastic, timber and clothing, mattresses, old tyres, fridges and washing machines - you name it, it was there!

The work was further complicated by the presence of several invasive species within and around the stockpiles, which first needed to be treated and segregated.

Applying a strict waste hierarchy protocol, we successfully treated, segregated and recycled many waste streams, diverting the majority of the waste from landfill through reuse, recycling and recovery.  Our approach significantly reduced overall disposal costs and have already made a large contribution to the overall project sustainability targets.

As a local company, Cognition Land and Water have used local labour force and local suppliers on this package of work, supporting Enfield Council policies.

If you want to know more about our work in continually improving on our sustainability goals, please email us at

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